
Tire Performance Tester - Tire (Camber) Static Tester


Tire (Camber) Static Tester

1) Overview
  • This test device is a UNIVERSAL static tester capable of performing STIFFNESS/ WEAR/ CONTACT and DIMENSION tests on tires.
  • Vertical, Lateral, Torsional, and Rotational can be selectively evaluated for the same tire in order.
  • This test is designed to obtain each data by adjusting the Camber and Slip angles to simulate the actual situation.
2) Compliance with Industry Standards
  • Not a legal test.
  • Car Maker Requirements (Test Standards by Car Maker) and Tire Performance Study
  • HMC: ES52930-01 (tyre general)
3) System Configuration
category specification
Longitudinal Force FX 40 kN
Lateral force FY 40 kN
Max, Wheel Load Fz 40 kN
Camber Angle Max=±15°
Steering Angle 0 ~ 90°±15°
Max, Travel XY ±130 mm
Max, Tyre Diameter 1,000 mm
Max, Tyre Width 380 mm
Tyre Contact Surface 3M P120
Cleat Test Available